Friday 27 December 2013


HAWAII! That's right we are finally in the Sandwich Isles. Well we have been in the Sandwich Isles for over a week now, sorry I have been busy. Anyway, as u see above Sienna and I are standing in front of Hilo bay.
Doesn't this picture look like it is from a post card? This is Rainbow falls! This extraordinary waterfall has a lava tube right underneath it! do you see it? We drove up there one day on a waterfall tour. We also climbed up the hill to the river that leads up to the top falls!
Then, we visited Akaka Falls!
Akaka Falls in two times higher than Niagara falls! And even though it is 400 meters high. There are fish that swim up it and make it to the top!

The Hilton! The Hilton is a REALLY fancy resort. Staying at the Hilton was our Christmas present from our parents. It is on the west side of the island where the weather is always hot! It's what most people would think when you say the word Hawai'i. Unfortunately, we are staying in Hilo which in on the east side of the island! And the east side gets 80 inches or over 2 metres mm of rain a year!
So we enjoyed our time and the glorious Hilton, as there were so many things to do! There was even a train that went from building to building! Read more about the train in my next post!
That's how big the complex is! But alas, we eventually had to come back to good ol' rainy Hilo!
Thank you for reading my blog post cya soon! :) 

Sunday 8 December 2013

Fun Activities

See the bag I am wearing, I made it!
Hello and welcome back to one of my blog posts. Sienna and I made bags so that when we go to Hawaii we have a bag to take the beach or the library.

 It took us about two weeks and a lot of sewing but we did it!
I picked the material because I have a duck fetish! I love ducks. And the material is water proof so it will be great for the beach. It has multiple pockets and a flap that is closed by Velcro.  

 Also here are a few Acrostic Poems that we created for poetry this week.

Acrostic poems  are..........

Here's one Sienna and I worked on together.


Horrible paperwork we have to do
Offensive to us in ways that they don't understand
Marmoo made me do it, when it was
Exhaustingly hard and
Worse than stinky cheese
Outrageous, how dare they give us such a 
Ridiculous, reoccurring requirement
Kick it!

And one I did myself.


Hot magma
Avocadoes everywhere
Waves to surf
Amazing beaches
I cant wait to
An acrostic poem is a poem that every sentence before, begins the next one. And when you read it out, it becomes a poem. I wrote my Hawaii poem because we are going to Hawai'i this Thursday! I cant wait!

  Also we did a fun activity where we made plasma! I would tell you more about it, but the link below explains it all! "Click me!"
Bye! See you in Hawai'i!

You might have realized that I put a ' in-between the two i's in Hawaii. This is actually the correct spelling for the Big Island. 

Friday 29 November 2013


 Yes that's right, I built a hovercraft! Well not a hovercraft that you can ride but I guess a scale model of one at least.
Below, is my hovercraft, it is comprised of an old CD and the top of a sports bottle. They are glued together by hot glue. You might be thinking," Where does the air come from?" Because a hovercraft needs air to, well hover.

Now, for anything to really get off the ground (besides airships), the craft needs to push or pull air. The way a hovercraft floats is by expelling air out of the balloon and onto a flat surface. 
This is the final result. We're ready for take off!

Now before we release the valve that is holding the air in, we need to find a flat surface for the craft to float on. Any tiled or wooden floor will do. Basically, if you can a flat space, you're good to go!   

And we're off! Too bad I didn't video it so I could show it on my blog. Then I could have seen how fast it moves! Oh well, I will leave a link to a YouTube video at the bottom.

Hovercrafts might seem a wee bit complicated but they are really quiet simple.

Our little hovercraft is floating because the balloon deflates and the air rushes out and hits the ground. So the hovercraft hovers! This diagram above is not really accurate, as the craft does not fly off the ground. But instead, it reduces the friction between the floor and the disc which makes it move further and quicker.

Today there are tons of hovercraft that are much bigger that my model. Larger ones that can carry people and cars and even TANKS!

Hovercraft are all terrain, which means they can go on nearly any surface: water, sand, dirt, concrete, etc. Here is a video of an army hovercraft coming ashore.
If you just want to see the hovercraft skip to 1:24.
Hovercraft are great and because they are becoming more and more popular they may be the vehicle of the future!
If you want to build a CD balloon powered hovercraft click the link below!


Friday 15 November 2013


Hello, in my last blog post I talked to you about horse riding. In this blog post I will be talking about some other exotic sports that I play. As you see above, and below, horse riding is still on the list. It's a fun sport that I love. Plus, you don't need to do ALL the work. If you want to learn more about my horse riding adventures, go to my post all about it.
Also see the picture above, I think that's going to be my screen saver.

Over the past few weeks, I have been focusing more on jumping. In my last post I told you that I was jumping over a small single bar about ten inches of the ground. Well boy has that changed! I am now jumping over bars at least thirty inches high!
And I'm not only jumping over one anymore. I now am jumping over no, not one, no, not two, but three bars! As seen below, It's a bit confusing with all of them isn't it?
And below is a picture of me hanging on for dear life! Luckily I know how to!

I have also, (kind of) taken up a new sport too! Skating! I did learn to skate about a year ago but I quit and moved on to other things. Here I am playing hockey with my friends. I SCORED A GOAL! For me, that's a really big deal, considering I never really liked hockey. But it's still a fun game.
 Here I am trying to pass the puck to my friend, wow, I had no idea my foot could bend like that!
  Also I have started playing badminton. We play with the same friends we go skating with.
Horse riding, yea.
This was me jumping in my last blog post. See the difference in bar height?
I am flying through the air!
 Take off!

Like Entea's braided tail?

And my last exotic sport is, drum roll please, ....... SCUBA DIVING! Yes that's right I went scuba diving! It was at our public pool. Did you know that scuba is an Anacreon? It stands for, Self, Contained, Underwater, Breathing, Apparatus. But over time it morphed into a word.  

Here I am strapping up our tanks to our vests. The boy standing be side me is my friend Liam.
Here we are strapping on our fins. Now we are just like fish!
Here I am spitting in my mask. And yes I just said spitting in my mask. Spit is like cleaning fluid, so you spit in it to make them shine. But don't worry you wash them off in the pool.... which is the same WATER WE SWAM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness we where wearing wet suits!
My first steps into the underwater world. You would think that that tank would be heavy? But when you're under the water it feels weightless!
Here we all are testing out our scuba gear! See the yellow hose? That is a back up hose in case one of our friends lose oxygen.
Here we are completely submerged! We stayed under there for one and a half hours! Unfortunately, I had to come up cause my mask kept filling with water! But still, that was only for a few seconds!
We also did some exercises. We practiced what to do if your mouth piece malfunctions. We learned how to tell underwater pressure with your fingers. And how to communicate too! We also played underwater frisbee and tossed those underwater missile things.

We have now come to the end of our adventure, awwww. But hopefully when we take our trip to Hawaii, I can explore the sea!

Thanks for reading my blog report. I hope you liked it! Write in the comments on what sports you like to play!



Friday 1 November 2013


Hello, guess what! It's Halloween. Well was Halloween about 4 days ago. 
Anyway if you are reading this blog you're probably wondering why there are two cartoon characters above this text. Well they are Mabel and Dipper, a pair of 12 year old twins from our favorite T.V. show,
"Gravity Falls."
Above are two pictures of me and my sister with our friend Matraya. Do you see the resemblance from before?

This is my character with out his costume.

Here we are at the mall, the mall was giving out candy. So we went there and scored some extra sweets.

 Here I am in my peanut costume don't I look tasty? And below we are counting our candy, guess how many pieces. Not 100 not 200 not 300 but 500 pieces of candy! After we counted our stash we watched the movie Epic.


                                           HORSE RIDING!   


Hello, its me Jera again! Remember a while a go, how I said I had started up horse riding? Well in the mean time I have gotten really good at it! And I am doing a whole blog post about it!

( read below )

                                   As you see above I'm trotting on my fav horse Entea. Entea is one of the most stubborn horses in the world! He has his own mind and he is very strong willed. If he does not want to go to certain places in the arena, it is really difficult to change his mind. Also, do you see that collection of trees in the background? Well that's where Entea gets spooked. He is fearful that there are monsters lurking in the woods. He is very stubborn when I direct him in that area.
Here I am learning how to jump. And yes, those poles are low. But this is how you first learn to jump.
I am now trotting around the outer rim. I'm doing a  riding technique called, two point.
Here I'm trotting into Entea's troubled corner. Wish me luck, and hope he doesn't spook.
  Horse riding is a really fun sport, one day you should try it!  

Thank you for reading my blog report, I hope you enjoyed it!
Have a ducky day.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Update Update!

                                                     UPDATE UPDATE!

Sorry for my blog being in abeyance for such a long time. It's been nearly a year since my last post. Anyway, I thought I'd catch you up on the latest news.

The summer was just basic, nothing too AMAZING. Although, we did build a raft out of two inner tubes and a plank of wood, and we sailed it down the river.

I also bought my Ipad Mini which I have been saving up for the last six months.

Ipad mini.

Above is me cutting my birthday cake. I turned 13 years old last August! In the next picture I am with my friends opening my presents! We had a beach party and a sleepover, we stayed up till 4 AM (but don't tell my dad that.)

Also my sister ( Sienna ) and I went on a camp to a place called, Maple Springs Bible Camp. Or as I like to call it, MSBC. We had lots of fun on the camp. We went river walking (it was cold), on hikes, and stepped on a wasps' nest! Luckily, I didn't get stung, but my shirt did! Sienna and I are going back to MSBC this fall for only a two day camp, instead of 8 days like the summer one.

Our cabins as seen behind us.

This the whole camp, can you find me?
Sienna and I sold cherries at the farmers market this year. We picked them from our organic cherry tree. We were able to sell them for a whole 4 weeks! We made $100!
Unfortunately the worms got into them after a week or so and they rotted.

A couple of weeks ago, we went for a tour of Covert Farm. I found the world's smallest strawberry! (see pic below) It was the size of my thumb nail and so sweet!

This fall I took up a new sport, horse riding. I have been taking horse riding lessons for the past 7 weeks and I'm becoming more adept at riding too. Below is a picture of me during one of my lessons, on Cisco.

It's Oct 24, which means Halloween is coming up. So my family and I went pumpkin picking last week. We picked large variety of different sized pumpkins. Even baby pumpkins too. Here is a picture of a medium pumpkin I found. 

Back to the Halloween topic, this is probably our last year trick or treating, so Sienna and I are going as something together this year. But I will tell you about that in another blog post. 

Yesterday, our family and some of our friends all went up on a hike to Skaha Bluffs! It was a hard climb up there but it was worth it because the view was stunning.
Below is a picture of us looking out over Skaha lake.
 First is Baily (Sienna's friend), then Sienna, next to her is Ben (my friend) then me. Like my hat?

 After a while, Ben and I got a bit bored of hiking. So we pretended that we were in the Zombie Apocalypse and our family and friends had all been bitten and turned into zombies! Our mission was to find "The Shelter." But, when we discovered it, it had collapsed in a pile of rubble. Here is what was left of it.

This is us climbing the clay cliff at Skaha Bluffs. Ben and I created a little base on the side of the wall.

Thanks for reading my really late report. I hope you enjoyed it! See u next time! :)
P.S. My family and I are going on a vacation in a month or so. If u can guess where, I will mention you in my next blog post!

~Jera's out, peace!