Friday 27 December 2013


HAWAII! That's right we are finally in the Sandwich Isles. Well we have been in the Sandwich Isles for over a week now, sorry I have been busy. Anyway, as u see above Sienna and I are standing in front of Hilo bay.
Doesn't this picture look like it is from a post card? This is Rainbow falls! This extraordinary waterfall has a lava tube right underneath it! do you see it? We drove up there one day on a waterfall tour. We also climbed up the hill to the river that leads up to the top falls!
Then, we visited Akaka Falls!
Akaka Falls in two times higher than Niagara falls! And even though it is 400 meters high. There are fish that swim up it and make it to the top!

The Hilton! The Hilton is a REALLY fancy resort. Staying at the Hilton was our Christmas present from our parents. It is on the west side of the island where the weather is always hot! It's what most people would think when you say the word Hawai'i. Unfortunately, we are staying in Hilo which in on the east side of the island! And the east side gets 80 inches or over 2 metres mm of rain a year!
So we enjoyed our time and the glorious Hilton, as there were so many things to do! There was even a train that went from building to building! Read more about the train in my next post!
That's how big the complex is! But alas, we eventually had to come back to good ol' rainy Hilo!
Thank you for reading my blog post cya soon! :) 

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