Friday 15 November 2013


Hello, in my last blog post I talked to you about horse riding. In this blog post I will be talking about some other exotic sports that I play. As you see above, and below, horse riding is still on the list. It's a fun sport that I love. Plus, you don't need to do ALL the work. If you want to learn more about my horse riding adventures, go to my post all about it.
Also see the picture above, I think that's going to be my screen saver.

Over the past few weeks, I have been focusing more on jumping. In my last post I told you that I was jumping over a small single bar about ten inches of the ground. Well boy has that changed! I am now jumping over bars at least thirty inches high!
And I'm not only jumping over one anymore. I now am jumping over no, not one, no, not two, but three bars! As seen below, It's a bit confusing with all of them isn't it?
And below is a picture of me hanging on for dear life! Luckily I know how to!

I have also, (kind of) taken up a new sport too! Skating! I did learn to skate about a year ago but I quit and moved on to other things. Here I am playing hockey with my friends. I SCORED A GOAL! For me, that's a really big deal, considering I never really liked hockey. But it's still a fun game.
 Here I am trying to pass the puck to my friend, wow, I had no idea my foot could bend like that!
  Also I have started playing badminton. We play with the same friends we go skating with.
Horse riding, yea.
This was me jumping in my last blog post. See the difference in bar height?
I am flying through the air!
 Take off!

Like Entea's braided tail?

And my last exotic sport is, drum roll please, ....... SCUBA DIVING! Yes that's right I went scuba diving! It was at our public pool. Did you know that scuba is an Anacreon? It stands for, Self, Contained, Underwater, Breathing, Apparatus. But over time it morphed into a word.  

Here I am strapping up our tanks to our vests. The boy standing be side me is my friend Liam.
Here we are strapping on our fins. Now we are just like fish!
Here I am spitting in my mask. And yes I just said spitting in my mask. Spit is like cleaning fluid, so you spit in it to make them shine. But don't worry you wash them off in the pool.... which is the same WATER WE SWAM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness we where wearing wet suits!
My first steps into the underwater world. You would think that that tank would be heavy? But when you're under the water it feels weightless!
Here we all are testing out our scuba gear! See the yellow hose? That is a back up hose in case one of our friends lose oxygen.
Here we are completely submerged! We stayed under there for one and a half hours! Unfortunately, I had to come up cause my mask kept filling with water! But still, that was only for a few seconds!
We also did some exercises. We practiced what to do if your mouth piece malfunctions. We learned how to tell underwater pressure with your fingers. And how to communicate too! We also played underwater frisbee and tossed those underwater missile things.

We have now come to the end of our adventure, awwww. But hopefully when we take our trip to Hawaii, I can explore the sea!

Thanks for reading my blog report. I hope you liked it! Write in the comments on what sports you like to play!



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