Monday 29 October 2012



  Hey everyone. It's Halloween here in Canada. Halloween today, is a fun holiday, mostly for children. It has roots in ancient religions and folklore. including paganism, ancient Roman religions, early Catholic Christianity, Irish folklore, and even British politics!
Children and adults enjoy this holiday on Halloween night by wearing funny costumes and eating candy. As we may think of this holiday (I know I do) as a time to go out have fun and be in the dentist waiting office the next morning.But for some conterys this holiday is the time where the dead rises and they have funarals and give food to the poor.                  .

This is my pumkin before I carved it.
Did you that carving pumpkins came from Britain? They used to believe that the scary faces on the pumpkins would frighten away ghosts and other horrid creatures.
Also one of the reasons we get candy is because we say, " Trick or treat." But back in the olden days  people really did play TRICKS to get candy. Now our only trick today is knocking on a door and dressing up in funny costumes. The word Halloween really means all hollows eve. The evening when all of the sprits rise from the dead.
Anyway beside the history,for Halloween this week me and my sister and her friend are all going trick or treating on my grandma's (Mets mama) street. It's funny, that's the one street in ALL of Penticton that gives out the best and most candy.

This Sunday my sister and I carved pumpkins........... oh and her friend, Jenna, was there too.
 Here are some pictures.

 This year instead of giving out candy were giving out hot coco because who doesn't like a nice warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold night? Oh and I also forgot we are also adding ghoast or pumkin shape mashmellos. 

Monday 22 October 2012

O Train model railroad

Hi, you're probably wondering what these two pictures of a model railroad are doing on my blog? Well the answer is, I have a interest in passenger planes and model trains...... hey that rhymes. 
These here are two of my pictures from my model railway. Below is the work area in my O scale model railroad and above is a different train on the mountian side. Both of these trains are in pretty good condition but unfortunately they where last used in 1924. Which makes them really, REALLY old and they dont work 100%. Don't get me wrong they work ok, but not good for a whole model railway just for someone to set it up on the ground and play with it. That is why I am selling this whole set (not the table and houses plus cars) on ebay or locally. But I don't just want to let the table go to waste that's why I have ANOTHER model railway, that I bought on ebay, coming from Vancouver. This time it won't be O scale, it's going to be HO scale ( O scale trains are about 3 inches high / HOs are about 3 cm high) So the whole model railway will be converted to a smaller scale. Plus the good news is that the trees and houses are HO so I don't have to buy any more of those. I can't wait to get my trains from ebay this week. 

Monday 15 October 2012

HO scale trains

Guess what? Well you probably know by the title. I GOT MY HO SCALE TRAINS YAY!!! They came about 2 weeks  earlier than I would have expected.  When they got here I tore the box open. Let's just say that box is in a better place now. But the trains were so cool. I got 2 steam locomotives. 1 UNION PACIFIC modern looking train. And I have a SANTA FA coming soon. If you do not know any of these train you can look it up . They came with 6 cars ( not like the car that you drive but a train car) The cars where a coal car, 2 oil cars one with shell printed on it, a cabouse, a box car and a fright car. I have been playing with them every day and soon I'm going to put them into my model railway. Right now they're down in our basement where I can play with them. The set also came with a station, people, signs and trash cans.
This picture here is one of my trains that doesn't work but I am replacing it with one that is by the same company that does work.
Here is the small town in Train Village.

 And below is the train station for the village.I still haven't come up with a name for the station yet though.                                                                          

Vancouver Aquarium

About a month ago, we went to the Vancouver Aquarium.  Here, I am looking into one of the many fish tanks at the Vancouver Aquarium. These are tropical fish that live in the  tropics. My fav fish in this tank are the little yellow ones. You can comment about which one is your fav fish. I would love to know.

Here is Jack the porpoise. He may look like a dolphin but he is really a porpoise. He was SO cute, he came up to the window and said, "Eee eee."

The dolphins put on a show for us at the aquarium and did tricks like the one in this photo.They also did back flips and really high jumps.There was also a splash zone but it was so crowded we had to go higher in to the stands.

I bet you think this croc is fake right? wrong. This croc from Africa and just manly sits there all day staring at us. My friend said, " I don't believe that it is real!" so I said," Ok you can jump into the cage and kick it to see if its plastic." He looked at me and said, "I'm good.''

Here is another on of my fav fish. Its also tropical.

Even though it is called Vancouver Aquarium they also do have butterflies and birds.This is one
of my fav birds that was there. I would tell you the name if I knew it of course. I'm not too good with names.

Here I am holding a...... you know the expression on my face doesn't look too good I think I am concentrating on the butterfly......anyway here I am holding a Monarch butterfly. His name is Bill.

...eeeeeeeeep snake

These are some of my friends. Once again we all have bored looks on our faces. I'm the one in the purple jacket holding the bag. Next to me is my friend, Liam, next to Liam is his brother Alex, and next to him his twin brother Chad. Wearing the blue dress is my sister, Sienna. We are standing in front of BOX jellyfish. They are the most DEADLY jellyfish in the whole world. They only live in the tropical areas near Australia.Also in other places around the Pacific!

After we left the Aquarium........... sister and my dad and I are looking for shells. Unfortunately, we could not find any because the tide was coming in fast. See the futherest rock in this picture? I was standing on that about 2 minutes before this picture was taken, I could get off without getting my feet wet.We did not find any shells but I did find something a bit better.

I found a crab shell! This here is not a dead crab. When a crab gets too big for it's shell, it sheds it like a snake. This shell must have been washed up from the ocean. I'm holding the shell like that because see the two white things on top there sea anemonies and I don't want to break them because they have a good for effect.

Last week, we went to the Vancouver Aquarium for an overnight camp with 30 other homes schoolers and their families. We slept with the Baluga Whales. Don't worry we didn't drown! We were sleeping outside the tank. After the Aquarium closed the doors for the night, we had a fun time exploring the marine labs and touching sea stars, sea urchins, crabs, anemones and snake skins. Then we were allowed to wander around the Aquarium and check out the other creatures in their habitats. When the lights went out the Belugas started to perform as if they where saying, "Watch meeeeeeeee".  It was amazing to sleep listening to their sounds as they swam. We didn't get to sleep until 1 am. Next morning we met the dolphins and watched them perform tricks. Our favourite was a porpoise (his name was Jack) who came up to talk to us, only we did not understand him. Oh well! We had a great trip!
                                                                                                             ~ Jera and Sienna Nichols, yr. 7

Friday 12 October 2012

Guiness Book of World Records -Science

On Friday we participated in a national science experiment....
Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow, (a liquid that has no density),an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's speed.

-Sorry I blinked. But besides that, what I am demonstrating here is the Bernoulli's principle. I am doing an experiment where I blow in between these ballons. You would think they would go futher apart right? Wrong. By blowing between them it is weaking the air between making them come together.
 Here I am also demonstrating the Bernoulli's principle but this time I'm using water instead of balloons. I am blowing into a straw that is cut in half. You would think that it would just bubble up the water but like the balloon one. You're wrong. Why you may ask? Well the reason is...... when you blow on top of the straw in the water it makes the water come out of the top of the straw into a mist.
This is completely off topic but in this picture doesn't the water look like milk? I think it's from the flash.
Oh and I forgot I'm the one in the red and black jacket. And that's my friend Kobe next to me. As you can see on his name tag.

A picture of all the home schoolers who joined the experiment.

Youtube Videos by ScienceInspiredArt

Here's my certificate.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Plane Collage

Hello its me again, Jera! The plane collage above is something I made by just copy/pasting pictures from the internet. The reason I made this is because I have a HUGE interest in passenger airliners. The only problem is that when ever I start to talk about them my friends just say, " Ahhhhhhh why do you keep have to talking about them?" And that just really gets to me.

Any who I have a a collection of planes. I would list them but I highly doubt anyone knows what they are. I know, how about a quiz you can answer in my coment box?
What plane can carry the most passengers?
What is Canada's national airline?
What airline stands for Austraila?
What is the largest airport in the world?

Well there's my quiz. If you get them all right you win....... um....... oh I dont know, just give your self a pat on the back. How about that! You can leave your answers in my comment box.
Thanks and have ducky day.

( Ducky is an old english term for nice)

Tuesday 9 October 2012


Hello my name is Jera Nichols. Below what I'm wrighting is me in a cockpit of a Qantas boeing 767. Next to me is the piolet on the the left and on the right is the copiolet. This was taken last year around chrismas. when my family went to Austraila, because thats where I was born. We went there because we lots of family thier and to just get away from the cold canadaian winter. In Austraila where I was staying it NEVER snows. Well now that I mention it when we went their it was summer so........ Any way the reson is was summer because Austraila is on the other side of the world and when its winter here its summer their and so on.