Tuesday 25 February 2014

In the Land Of Oz (or Aus)

In the Land Of Oz (or Aus)
Hello and welcome back to my blog post. In this blog post I am going to be showing you some
pictures of me in Australia!

The first picture is Sienna and I at the beach! We are about to go boogie boarding!
Here I am catching a wave!
The one problem with boarding is when my hair gets in my face. I can't see a thing!
The wind down by the beach is usually really strong. It was so strong, I could hold my board completely vertical! 
And here I am looking so cool as I head back into the water!

This picture is of me and my friend Bodhi. We have been friends for over 9 years! Unfortunately, we haven't seen each other since we were 6 1/2. 
And this is the big pineapple! I think it's not quiet ripe yet.
It's funny, in Canada we have the big peach!

I just had to take a picture of this sign!

Thank you for reading my blog post cya soon!

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