Thursday 24 October 2013

Update Update!

                                                     UPDATE UPDATE!

Sorry for my blog being in abeyance for such a long time. It's been nearly a year since my last post. Anyway, I thought I'd catch you up on the latest news.

The summer was just basic, nothing too AMAZING. Although, we did build a raft out of two inner tubes and a plank of wood, and we sailed it down the river.

I also bought my Ipad Mini which I have been saving up for the last six months.

Ipad mini.

Above is me cutting my birthday cake. I turned 13 years old last August! In the next picture I am with my friends opening my presents! We had a beach party and a sleepover, we stayed up till 4 AM (but don't tell my dad that.)

Also my sister ( Sienna ) and I went on a camp to a place called, Maple Springs Bible Camp. Or as I like to call it, MSBC. We had lots of fun on the camp. We went river walking (it was cold), on hikes, and stepped on a wasps' nest! Luckily, I didn't get stung, but my shirt did! Sienna and I are going back to MSBC this fall for only a two day camp, instead of 8 days like the summer one.

Our cabins as seen behind us.

This the whole camp, can you find me?
Sienna and I sold cherries at the farmers market this year. We picked them from our organic cherry tree. We were able to sell them for a whole 4 weeks! We made $100!
Unfortunately the worms got into them after a week or so and they rotted.

A couple of weeks ago, we went for a tour of Covert Farm. I found the world's smallest strawberry! (see pic below) It was the size of my thumb nail and so sweet!

This fall I took up a new sport, horse riding. I have been taking horse riding lessons for the past 7 weeks and I'm becoming more adept at riding too. Below is a picture of me during one of my lessons, on Cisco.

It's Oct 24, which means Halloween is coming up. So my family and I went pumpkin picking last week. We picked large variety of different sized pumpkins. Even baby pumpkins too. Here is a picture of a medium pumpkin I found. 

Back to the Halloween topic, this is probably our last year trick or treating, so Sienna and I are going as something together this year. But I will tell you about that in another blog post. 

Yesterday, our family and some of our friends all went up on a hike to Skaha Bluffs! It was a hard climb up there but it was worth it because the view was stunning.
Below is a picture of us looking out over Skaha lake.
 First is Baily (Sienna's friend), then Sienna, next to her is Ben (my friend) then me. Like my hat?

 After a while, Ben and I got a bit bored of hiking. So we pretended that we were in the Zombie Apocalypse and our family and friends had all been bitten and turned into zombies! Our mission was to find "The Shelter." But, when we discovered it, it had collapsed in a pile of rubble. Here is what was left of it.

This is us climbing the clay cliff at Skaha Bluffs. Ben and I created a little base on the side of the wall.

Thanks for reading my really late report. I hope you enjoyed it! See u next time! :)
P.S. My family and I are going on a vacation in a month or so. If u can guess where, I will mention you in my next blog post!

~Jera's out, peace!


Christmas Recital

A few weeks ago we put on a Christmas recital at some of the retirement homes.We all put on the play, The night before Christmas that is a classical book written by Clement Clark Moore.
Some of us played the piano before the play. Below, is me playing, What a Wonderful World and The Entertainer.

Ok, just for the record this has to be the WORST picture taken ever! Shall we look at the mistakes?
1, I have my eyes closed.
2, quarter of the cast is not even looking at the camera!
3, do you see Alex's head down at the bottom? He is barely in the picture!
and 4, a few people are moving around, They are blurred.
Above  is our whole cast taking a bow at one of the retirement homes.
This was a poster on one of the walls at the retirement home. See on the 5? We are the home learner's children entertain.

This is me and ben narrating the play. And below is our whole cast taking a bow at our last retirement home.

Our weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there its me Jera!!!!!!!!!!
In this post I will be showing you what I did over the weekend!
Below is a picture of me and some of my friends at a Quest Atlantis meeting.
Quest Atlantis is an on line website for homeschooling. It is a place where you can go and do interesting quests and try to save Quest Atlantis!
 Here all of us are there for a meeting, just to catch up on any quests.
Above, is our whole group. The person in the left corner is our teacher.
Below we are leaving Quest Atlantis behind and heading into the wilderness!
We are searching for a Christmas tree! And trust me it was hard to find. There were thousands of trees and the steep slopes made it hard to cut anything down.

Me and my sister have just spotted a tree off in the distance! It is the perfect size and height! We told our dad and he got his axe and chopped  the tree down. Do you see that black thing in the corner below? That's Buddy our dog!
And this is the most sad part of this post........ Below is a moose that was hit by a car. Then some idiot skinned the poor thing! He never saw it coming. Let's have moment of silence for the moose......................................................................................................................................

 On the way back we found some more "alive" animals! These are mountain goats! We found them on the road. The goat on the road is the big Daddy goat we call him, he is in control of the herd.
  Lets feed some ducks!
For science this week my sister and I went to do a research project about estimate the duck population in Penticton.
But you can't count ducks that are scattered all over the place? Right. So the only way to count them was to feed them! Man, those ducks love bread.
Hear are two ducks that were coming for a feed.
Male ducks are the ones with a green head. Female ducks are the ones with the normal/brown head.
Above, is my sister and I feeding all the ducks! Do you see the white duck bye my feet? That poor duck, that I named Marmoo, has a disease that makes his feathers go white. I wonder if Marmoo gets bullied at duck school because he looks different?
And as we came to the end of our feeding I tried to lead the ducks back to there home. Witch was a small lake over near that fence in the right corner. Unfortunately, some of the ducks did not want to budge!
                                               Hear are our results for counting the population

Females: 55
Males : 67

Yeah I know right, that's a lot of ducks. And we only counted the ones that came to feed. There are hundreds of more ducks in Penticton!

                                                                  Maybe you could count the ducks where you live! then we could compare. Just leave your how many ducks are in your city!
