Monday 26 November 2012

Winter is here!

 Hello its me Jera! IT SNOWED! Yay! I'm so happy!
Below is me in the snow. Even though snow is cold, and there was a cool breeze, I was pretty warm!

To see how much snow was on the ground, all we did was look at our trampoline!
 It was 3 inch's thick! I don't think were going to be able to jump on our tramp for now. 

Here are 3 pictures of me throwing a snowball at Sienna. Above, I am making a snowball from snow off the tramp. Below, I am throwing the snowball with a lot of energy!
And below the snowball is airborn. Will it hit Sienna?I hope.
Way at the very bottom, is our battlefield, me v's Sienna.
It's dog eat dog in this battle.

A Sunny Day

Hello it's me Jera............ again. OK, you know how my last post was about snow and winter right? Well yesterday my family and I, also Jenna, you remember Jenna, the person from my pumpkin carving post, she is the one in the red, went climbing. Just look at the picture below! The sun was shining, the birds where tweeting, and that includes a hawk I heard over the mountain, as we climbed. This is the Sakha bluffs. A bluff is a ledge of rock that hangs over the side of a  mountain. But  bluffs have to be overlooking a lake or body of water, to be called a bluff, other wise it is just called a cliff.
As we where hiking up the long trail, an Airbus A380 flew over! From this picture you can see there was not a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect day! I think I'm going to collect a whole lot of plane pictures that I took. Then I'll make a post about them with all my pictures in it!
See how sunny it was! There were some clouds after all! I did not realise this until I started to write this post.
Once we had taken in the view, it started to get dark. Up there in the mountains once it gets dark, bears and other dangerous animal come out! So we walked back down the hill to the parking lot. Buddy, (our dog), was running around. He wandered into the forest a little and came back with an oddly shaped stick. We thought nothing of it because we where playing a game called twenty questions. But then I heard my sister yell, " EW BUDDY PUT THAT DOWN!" I turned around to see Buddy holding a DEER LEG! Someone must of been hunting or a wolf or bear must have killed the deer. It is more likely from a the hunting party, because the leg was cut clean off. Hunters don't want the legs because they're useless. They have no meat on them what so ever. I am NEVER  going hunting! It's just so mean. I feel sad for that deer :( But I guess that's life.
Anyway, that's basicly all I have to say.

Stay tuned for that plane collection.( Mumbles to myself ) "Now where am I going to find a lot of planes?"

Monday 19 November 2012

HO finds

Smello people! It's me Jera again!
  A few weeks ago, I went to Peachland to a HO scale model train convention!
A few posts ago, I told you about my HO scale trains that were coming from Vancouver. Well since I had already started my hobby, we went to see if we could buy some more trains.

Above is the display where they had some trains running around.
 I am a giant about to destroy all of the buildings! mwa hahahahahaha!
We also got TONS of free stuff too! I got about 12 engines and approxitmately 20 cars! Unfortunately, about 6 of the engines don't really work. But they're still good for show!
Above, a freight train is coming into R.A.C.F. station Lancaster.
And above, we have Central Park, where an old steam engine as been turned into a playground.
This was a short post!

Monday 12 November 2012


Smello,there young chap, it's Jera here with a new post!
I will be showing you things that I've been doing over the weekend.
Above and below, I'm cooking homemade potato chips! All you need is a sweet potato, vegetable oil and salt. You pour the oil into a pan (like the one in the picture). Then heat up the stove to max temperature. To make sure it is ready put a small potato peeling in to see if the oil is ready. If it is, you should see the edges around the peeling bubble. Then you can cut up your potato slices, BUT... you must peel the potato first! Then cut it up into small thin slices and throw them in.
You have been warned.
As you see in the picture above I am cooking, wearing sunglasses! do you like them?
  After you have put some salt on the chips,you have to wait 30 MINS until they cool off. This lets the salt really get into the chip..................30 MINS LATER.................... Now you're ready to eat! Enjoy!

Its Fall here in Canada! As you see in these pictures there are a LOT of leafs.These are all from our walnut tree in our backyard! My sister and I raked all the leaves into one huge pile. Since we did a GREAT job, we started to think we should start our own lawn care company! Here's our ad.
CALL K.L.C.A. That's right, this is the kids lawn care company or as my dad wants it to be,
Do you see buddy, our dog, in the left corner? He.....sees......Bill. He can smell him.  You will find out who Bill is soon.
As a dog would say it SQUIRREL!!!!!!!!! Do you see it in the picture above? This squirrel was discovered yesterday, living in our walnut tree! He has made a small home in our neighbour's shed roof. This critter gets around buy hopping from branch to branch, and has a place for everything!
Above this little squirrel (we named him Bill), is jumping from branch to branch to get to his home. Below when my sister and I were raking, we came across Bill's storing unit. He must have thought that this abandoned BIRD house was part of the tree that it is perched on. If you look really closely you can see the nuts he has stored in there for the Winter.
Above is Bill sitting in his home, eating an acorn........ or maybe a walnut?. Aint he cute?
Since Sienna and I did SO much work, Mum made hot chocolate and well......... we drank it?

Above is THE BEST PICTURE EVER OF ME!!!!!!!But this picture was not meant to be taken. I was turning when my mum took the picture. But its still an awesome picture:)!
- JERA!!!!

Monday 5 November 2012

Hotel transylvania


 Hotel Transylvania is not a place where we went (just to let you know).
 Hotel Transylvania is a movie that we watched at the new theater last Sunday.        
Above is a picture of Hotel Transylvania.

For this post I am going to give you a sum up in pictures of the movie. It was a really good movie.
                                                         (ripple affect)
It all started on a chilly, cold morning in Transylvania.......

Everything was normal. At this time of the year Count Dracula, (pic below)

the owner of the motel, was setting up for his daughter's 118th....... oh and I almost forgot the one reason that this movie has an intersting plot is because only MONSTERS are allowed in the hotel, not people. Since Mavis, (Count Dracula's daghter) is a vampire which is why she is having her 118th B day.
Anyway where was I ....... oh yes, it was Mavis's birthday party. Here's Mavis

And all the mosters where coming for the party.

The planning was going great. Everything was perfect, until....... a human arrived.

Dracula is frightened of humans. A long time ago when Mavis was just born her mother was killed by the villagers who hate vampires.
But remmber that was over 100 years ago. Now we're in the 21 century. Dracula built the hotel to protect monsters from humans. When John (the human) came, Dracula tried to dress him up to look like a monster.

And every one fell for it!

In Dracula's family there is one rule, "Vampires are never allowed to leave the hotel." But Mavis wants to go exploring and see the world. She wants to go to, "Hawaweewee," (Hawaii) most of all!

Her dad did not want to let her go.... even though he said that she could.

While they where setting up for the party John kept getting in the way and attracting more and more attention!
Unfortunately, he is a human and can not be at the party. Then the momsters start to like him beacuse he brings life to the hotel. Because all the monsters are dead.

Mavis falls in love with John. But they can't be together as he's a human and she's a vampire!.......

But Dracula does not want this. So he tells John that he will kill him if  he he doesn't leave.
Yep you got, he stayed!

In the end he wants to be with Mavis. But he did not want to get killed so he told Mavis that he hates monsters! Then he heads for the airport.

But Dracula rethinks what he said and wants the two together afterall.
So he catches up with the plane! Five hundred feet IN THE AIR!

Dracula turns the plane around and gets the two together again.
Finally, they get to go to Hawaii!

                                                                             !THE END!

Overall, I think this movie is one of my favs. It had a lot of adventure and fun and was very entertaining.