Monday 20 January 2014

More Amazing Sports!

Hello there! It is me Jera again! In this blog post I am going to tell you about some more amazing sports, except in Hawai'i.

Sail away, sail away, sail away
The video above goes with the blog report. Click play. Go on do it! Do it now!

The first sport on our list is, sailing. A while ago (Before I made this blog) I tried sailing. And i got pretty good at it too. But unfortunately I never got around to going back to it. 

Above are a few pictures of me sailing. The first picture is me and my dad pulling the boat into the ocean. It is lighter than it looks. Next is me sailing away! Then Sienna thought I looked SOOO cool, so she wanted to have a try, I took her out to the breakwater. And the picture above is where sailing gets dangerous. Do u see that stick poking out of the water? It turns out that is signing that there is something under it. And the wind was blowing me right in that direction! luckily I managed to steer away from it.

Another sport I took up on the Big Island is archery. We go to an old airport hanger twice a week to practise shooting. I have learnt a lot, and I think I might keep the sport up. 

And the last sport (if you consider it a sport) I have learnt, is a terrible war between two empire's! Chess. I think I have found my new fav board game! I love it because of the constant battle, and it uses strategy to win!

This has been another blog report c u soon!


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